VCTV Guidelines


Vermont Community Television (VCTV) is designed as a statewide viewable HD channel available at first on Comcast cable systems in Vermont on channel 1070. This channel is a result of settlement negotiations between Vermont Access Network, Comcast and other state regulatory agencies. The agreement stipulates an activation date of January 1, 2021, but has been moved up to December 8, 2020 by Comcast in an effort to accommodate holiday schedules of key personnel.

Vermont Access Network created the VAN Statewide Channel committee to facilitate the launch of the channel and to develop programming and governance guidelines for the channel.


  • Raise the profile of Vermont community media centers
  • Showcase the work of Vermont AMOs and Vermont content creators
  • Engage Vermonters in important local discussions and decisions on the statewide level
  • Leverage the channel to showcase Vermont and Vermont communities – their art and culture
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Broad regional reflection in programming


Vermont Community Television’s server will be housed at the Media Factory in Burlington. Initial programming for the beta testing period will be handled by Media Factory staff, acting as VCTV Content Manager. Opportunities for other access centers to take on VCTV Content Manager duties will be evaluated. 

Submission Process

Vermont Community Television’s content will initially be populated by content available on the Vermont Media Exchange (VMX). Content for consideration will be filtered through the local Access Management Organization (AMO) and must be of statewide interest. Whether through VMX or through an online form, AMO’s will submit content within the guidelines established.

Programming Oversight

The VMX Committee of Vermont Access Network is elected by the membership of VAN and is well suited to provide continuing guidance and additional development of VCTV programming guidelines. Also included in VMX Committee duties will be consideration of programming grievances if any should arise. The Chair of the VMX committee will assume the role of coordinating programming initiatives with organizations outside of the VAN membership, as needed. This would include events such as legislative hearings, statewide sporting championships or other events that require production coordination with AMO’s and outside organizations.

Programming Requirements

Programs submitted for inclusion on VCTV must be –

  • Commercial free
  • Of good technical quality
  • High definition (720p)

Programming Guidelines

The following list consists of considerations for inclusion of programming on VCTV and guidance on how to schedule.

  • Content is of statewide interest
  • Content is regionally diverse and equitable
  • Content showcases the best of Vermont community media
  • Content is provided or created by or for Vermont state government
  • Content incites discussion and engagement in issues important to Vermonters
  • Content displays the qualities of local community, culture and kindness.

Programming priorities

Content for Vermont Community Television will be scheduled and populated with the following priorities with the higher priorities listed first – lowest priority listed last.

  1. Live contemporaneous content
  2. Timeliness or content that addresses issues with an inherit deadline
  3. High profile content, i.e. Governor’s Inauguration, State Championship game, etc
  4. Diverse content
  5. High production standards
  6. Political
  7. Cultural
  8. Religious
  9. Locally specific
  10.  Non AMO sponsored content
  11.  Content not associated with Vermont

Underwriting Policy

While content on Vermont Community Television must be free of commercials, underwriting and sponsorship of content is allowed. All financial relationships between underwriters, sponsors and producers must be documented and available to inspection by the VMX Committee and other interested parties. Underwriters and sponsors shall not be financial beneficiaries of any content that they have underwritten or sponsored. 

Solicitation of Funds

Solicitation of funds is permitted and limited to non-profit organizations with prior approval by VAN’s VMX committee. 

VCTV supports the following “Code of Integrity” 

VCTV content must, individually and collectively:

  • Contribute to communities’ civic, educational, and cultural life by presenting a range of ideas and cultures and offering a robust forum for discussion and debate.
  • Pursue fairness and responsiveness in content and services, with particular attention to reflecting diversity of demography, culture, and beliefs.
  • Protect the curatorial process from the fact and appearance of undue influence.
  • Acknowledge program sponsors, and disclose content-related terms of sponsor support.
  • Seek editorial partnerships and collaborations to enhance capacity, perspective, timeliness, and relevance and apply public media standards to these arrangements.
  • Promote the common good, the public interest, and these commitments to integrity and trustworthiness in organizational governance, leadership, and management.

Grievance policy

Any grievances with content scheduled or denied time on Vermont Community Television must be submitted in writing to the VAN VMX Committee at The VMX committee will consider the grievance at their next regularly scheduled meeting and respond in a timely manner.